MTF Candles 1440

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MTF Candles 1440

Postby kate682 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:48 pm

So, in the spirit of wanting to give something back...

I find this indicator very useful, it plots the last 4 daily candles on your chart, (can adjust to any timeframe).
I have started to use it to visually quickly see MO's 'two day extreme' for his fabulous space concept.

Always learning

_MTF_Candles 1440 kk.mq4
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MTF Fractal extension line 240

Postby kate682 » Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:42 am

Here's another indicator i like, its a MTF (adjustable) fractal extension line, which I've defaulted to 240m.
The only thing i can't get rid of, is when you delete the indicator, you have to manually removed objects.
I use the indicator to hunt for set ups from a lower time frame charts such as 5/15 mins, in the zone of these lines.


MTF_Fractal 240m kk.mq4
(6.18 KiB) Downloaded 422 times
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