ProchargedMopar's Trading Trilogy

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Re: ProchargedMopar's Trading Trilogy

Postby prochargedmopar » Sun Nov 19, 2023 3:01 pm

Friday trading on NQ.

The circled ADDS have got to be eliminated from plan. Either that or waiting for something before next entry added to the plan.

Acct death is assured otherwise.

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Re: ProchargedMopar's Trading Trilogy

Postby prochargedmopar » Sun Nov 19, 2023 3:03 pm

prochargedmopar wrote:Friday trading on NQ.

The circled ADDS have got to be eliminated from plan. Either that or waiting for something before next entry added to the plan.

Acct death is assured otherwise.


Actually the middle circle was good.
Sell sell buy buy taking profit on each.
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Re: ProchargedMopar's Trading Trilogy

Postby BambinoFlex » Sun Nov 19, 2023 10:04 pm

Have a great thanksgiving Pro! Smashburgers in the menu for Thursday?
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Re: ProchargedMopar's Trading Trilogy

Postby prochargedmopar » Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:51 am

BambinoFlex wrote:Have a great thanksgiving Pro! Smashburgers in the menu for Thursday?

Ended up eating 4 different Thanksgiving dinners over the last week and only gained 2lbs. Not too shabby.
Just finished a Sonic Double double cheese Xtra bacon burger to finish things off.

Hope yours was good too.
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Re: ProchargedMopar's Trading Trilogy

Postby prochargedmopar » Mon Nov 27, 2023 12:55 pm

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Re: ProchargedMopar's Trading Trilogy

Postby prochargedmopar » Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:00 pm

There is no right way
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There are patterns, and breakouts of patterns.
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Price is in, or it's out.

Price is closing higher or lower than patterns.
Trade accordingly.

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Price was in, it went out, price couldn't get back in, so it went INto another pattern LOL
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Price into a pattern. What does price do inside patterns? How do they form? Up/down. Buy low, sell high, SCALP.

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Thanks Mo,
That is All.
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Re: ProchargedMopar's Trading Trilogy

Postby prochargedmopar » Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:08 pm

Whether it be channels, triangles, blah blah, price goes from patterns to patterns. When price FAILS to go to one side mid way through it will then go out the other side. So what does price do when it goes to the middle of a pattern and then fails to leave it the way it came in? Goes to the other side. Talk about basic shiz. Is trading really more complicated? YES. You've got to be WRONG at times. THAT is where EVERYONE succeeds or FAILS. Why? Because it's what we do when we are wrong that counts.

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Re: ProchargedMopar's Trading Trilogy

Postby prochargedmopar » Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:17 pm

What is price doing? It's closing above patterns. Until it's not. Doesn't Profitable loser ONLY look for patterns (little squiggly line). Yes. I couldn't believe it when I heard it cuz that is the ONLY other place I had heard someone describe price in such a simplified form beyond KRESLIK.

And I stopped interacting with the dude, moved along. hahahaah

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Re: ProchargedMopar's Trading Trilogy

Postby IgazI » Mon Nov 27, 2023 4:30 pm

prochargedmopar wrote:Whether it be channels, triangles, blah blah, price goes from patterns to patterns. When price FAILS to go to one side mid way through it will then go out the other side. So what does price do when it goes to the middle of a pattern and then fails to leave it the way it came in? Goes to the other side. Talk about basic shiz. Is trading really more complicated? YES. You've got to be WRONG at times. THAT is where EVERYONE succeeds or FAILS. Why? Because it's what we do when we are wrong that counts.


Separating patterns from breakouts is 1 part obvious and 2 parts an art form.

There are no single prices from which price will bounce; more like a collection of patterns around a price that take on a familiar shape.

The outside circles are breakouts 'to something'. . .'something' also being a pattern.

As with any shape, price with either move up and out or dn and out.

You should trust your gut, and your gut should be based on simple analysis:

What is gained through complexity is lost in missed opportunities.

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Re: ProchargedMopar's Trading Trilogy

Postby kiwiarian » Mon Nov 27, 2023 6:34 pm

prochargedmopar wrote:Whether it be channels, triangles, blah blah, price goes from patterns to patterns. When price FAILS to go to one side mid way through it will then go out the other side. So what does price do when it goes to the middle of a pattern and then fails to leave it the way it came in? Goes to the other side. Talk about basic shiz. Is trading really more complicated? YES. You've got to be WRONG at times. THAT is where EVERYONE succeeds or FAILS. Why? Because it's what we do when we are wrong that counts.


one chap I came across would treat the top of his boxes as resistance and the bottom as support, until it was not.

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