TRO I need your help with _SHME_Dynamic_SR2

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TRO I need your help with _SHME_Dynamic_SR2

Postby vitovest » Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:56 am

can this be set up as a strategy in TS? Here is what I see on a gap up, the first resistance (red dots) are placed on the chart after the first dip a second set of (red dots) begins to form. I set a limit order to sell short only after the second (red dot) appears just 1 tick below the resistance with only a .30 stop on three contracts and exits at +.40 +.80 and +1.20.

This seems to work with out fail both on the down side and the up side, (just flip it over).

Thing I have noticed:

It takes two Support or Resistane (dots) in a row after the first move (blue dots,red dots) before the trade works.

I have better success when a trend is determined ie. in the short position decribed the second set of (red dots) set up lower than the first set.

I do not always get filled in the position but in general if not filled but the third bar the position will fail.

At any rate can these ideas be automated in a TS Strategy and if so can you point me in the right direction?

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Postby TheRumpledOne » Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:39 am

Yes, you could make a strategy out of it.

Not sure what you mean by "the right direction".

You noticed HORIZONTAL S/R works!!

If you look in the code you notice the horizontal dots are dark red/dark blue... you could check for this as a trigger.

Somehow you would have count the horizontal levels, check for the second occurence above/below as a trigger.


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