(his old stuff)

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TheRumpledOne wrote:prochargedmopar wrote:
I've gotten the concept of ZL from day one.
Hey, I even named the "Discount/Premium" 50% area the MIghtyZone.
Everything has always looked clear, I mean even 6 mo into my trading "career".
Please explain ZL in your own words with a chart or 2.
trojoh68 wrote:TheRumpledOne wrote:prochargedmopar wrote:
I've gotten the concept of ZL from day one.
Hey, I even named the "Discount/Premium" 50% area the MIghtyZone.
Everything has always looked clear, I mean even 6 mo into my trading "career".
Please explain ZL in your own words with a chart or 2.
I just posted a bunch of old stuff that I had from Kreslik regarding zlines. Maybe it will refresh your memory. Thanks for all that you have given to help so many traders.
trojoh68 wrote:TheRumpledOne wrote:prochargedmopar wrote:
I've gotten the concept of ZL from day one.
Hey, I even named the "Discount/Premium" 50% area the MIghtyZone.
Everything has always looked clear, I mean even 6 mo into my trading "career".
Please explain ZL in your own words with a chart or 2.
I just posted a bunch of old stuff that I had from Kreslik regarding zlines. Maybe it will refresh your memory. Thanks for all that you have given to help so many traders.