PowerX Strategy "PowerZ"

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PowerX Strategy "PowerZ"

Postby IgazI » Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:17 am

I'm starting this thread so that nobody has to dig around for the code.

(47.47 KiB) Downloaded 1654 times

(1.68 KiB) Downloaded 1701 times

Bodies Show The Way: BSW:

Code: Select all

indicator(title = "Bodies Show The Way", shorttitle = "BSW", overlay = true)
h = high
l = low
c = high
o = low
candleTransp = input(40, title= "Darkness")
plotDot = input(true,title= "Plot Dots?")
join_HTF = input(false, title = "Connect:", inline = "2")
peri = input("", title = "Time Frame", inline = "2")
x = time_close(timeframe.period)
y = time_close(peri)
z = x[1] == y[1] ? close[1] : na
plot(peri != "" ? z : na,color = color.new(color.blue,50), offset = -1, style = plot.style_circles, linewidth = 2, trackprice = true)
plot(join_HTF and peri != "" ? z : na,color = color.new(color.blue,45), offset = -1, style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 4, display = display.all - display.price_scale)

//-----Pointy Places-----//
//plot_TRI = input(false, title = "Display:", inline = "1")
//adj = input(0.0, title = "Adjust Triangles", inline = "1")

noTrend = input(color.white, title = "noTrend: Color", inline = "3")
noTrendTransp = input(90, title = "Transp ", inline = "3")
trend_CLR = close > high[1]? color.rgb(46, 112, 167) : close < low[1] ? color.red : noTrend
candleTransp := trend_CLR == noTrend ? noTrendTransp : candleTransp
plotcandle(o,h,l,c, color = color.new(trend_CLR,candleTransp), wickcolor =color.rgb(107, 113, 133), bordercolor = color.new(trend_CLR,candleTransp), display = display.all - display.status_line - display.price_scale)
plot(plotDot?close:na, color = color.new(#e1e6eb, 40), style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 1, join = true, display = display.all - display.status_line)
plot(plotDot?close:na, color = color.new(color.orange, 45), style = plot.style_circles, linewidth = 4, join = false, display = display.all - display.price_scale - display.status_line)
plot(peri != "" and y[1]==x[1]?close[1]:na, offset = -1, color = color.new(color.blue, 0), style = plot.style_circles, linewidth = 4, join = false, display = display.all - display.price_scale - display.status_line)
plot(plotDot?close:na, color = color.new(color.white, 10), style = plot.style_circles, linewidth = 3, join = false,display = display.all - display.price_scale)
plot(peri != "" and y[1]==x[1]?close[1]:na, offset = -1, color = color.new(#26310d, 0), style = plot.style_circles, linewidth = 3, join = false, display = display.all - display.price_scale - display.status_line)

//-----Pointy Places-----//
//fh = h
//fl = l
//cond1 = close[2] > close[3] and close[2] > close[4] and close[2] > close[5] and close[2] > close[6] and close[2] >= close[1] and close[2] >= close[0] // is highest of 5, is >= 2 to the right.
//cond2 = close[2] < close[3] and close[2] < close[4] and close[2] < close[5] and close[2] < close[6] and close[2] <= close[1] and close[2] <= close[0] // is lowest of 5, is <= 2 to the right.
//plotchar(plot_TRI and cond1 ? fh[2] + adj : na, char = "⬜", color = color.new(#26310d,82), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)
//plotchar(plot_TRI and cond2 ? fl[2] - adj : na, char = "⬜", color = color.new(#26310d,82), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)
//plotchar(plot_TRI and cond1 ? fh[2] + adj : na, char = "△", color = color.new(color.white,15), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)
//plotchar(plot_TRI and cond2 ? fl[2] - adj : na, char = "▽", color = color.new(color.white,15), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)


Code: Select all

indicator("Leaf", overlay =  true)
mult = input(5.0, "fromClose", inline = "1")
tick = input(0.0001, "tickSize", inline = "1") * mult
clr_Up = input(color.blue, title = "UP", inline = "2")
clr_Dn = input(color.red, title = "DN", inline = "2")
clr_BG = input(color.white, title = "BG", inline = "2")

trendLine = (close[4] + close[3]) / 2

h = high
l = low
c = close + tick
o = close - tick
palette = trendLine < close ? clr_Up : clr_Dn
palette2 = trendLine < close ? clr_Dn : clr_Up
plotcandle(o,h,l,c, color = color.new(palette,45), bordercolor = color.new(palette, 20), wickcolor = color.new(palette,20), display = display.all - display.price_scale)
plot(close, color = color.new(clr_BG,50),style = plot.style_circles,join = true, linewidth = 3, display = display.all - display.status_line)
plot(close,color = color.new(palette,80), linewidth = 6, display = display.all - display.status_line - display.price_scale)

fh = h > c ? h : c
fl = l < o ? l : o
cond1 = close[2] > close[3] and close[2] > close[4] and close[2] > close[5] and close[2] > close[6] and close[2] >= close[1] and close[2] >= close[0] // is highest of 5, is >= 2 to the right.
cond2 = close[2] < close[3] and close[2] < close[4] and close[2] < close[5] and close[2] < close[6] and close[2] <= close[1] and close[2] <= close[0] // is lowest of 5, is <= 2 to the right.
plotchar(cond1 ? fh[2] + (tick * 0.786) : na, char = "⬜", color = color.new(clr_BG,85), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)
plotchar(cond2 ? fl[2] - (tick * 0.786) : na, char = "⬜", color = color.new(clr_BG,85), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)
plotchar(cond1 ? fh[2] + (tick * 0.786) : na, char = "△", color = color.new(clr_BG,10), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)
plotchar(cond2 ? fl[2] - (tick * 0.786) : na, char = "▽", color = color.new(clr_BG,10), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)

The Godfather:

Code: Select all

indicator("The Godfather", "ABBA", overlay=true)
useColorUp = input(color.rgb(28, 139, 230),    title = "UP")
useColorDn = input(color.rgb(224, 67, 67),     title = "DN")
useColorIk = input(color.new(color.black,15),    title = "WI")
useColorDr = input(color.new(color.black,15),    title = "BO")
useMA = input(88,  title = "MA")
h = high
l = low
c = close
o = c[1]
r = (ta.highest(h,3) + ta.lowest(l,3) ) / 2
ma0 = (ta.sma(hlc3,3) + ta.sma(hlc3,4)[3] + (ta.sma(open, 16) + ta.sma(open, 19)[3]) ) / 4
sig = ta.lowest(ma0, 2) < ma0 ? color.rgb(28, 139, 230,0) : ta.highest(ma0,2) > ma0 ? color.new(color.red,0) : color.new(color.black,0)
rsiLine = ta.rsi(c, 7)
upCon1 = rsiLine[1] <= 50 and rsiLine > 50
dnCon1 = rsiLine[1] > 50 and rsiLine <= 50
sigCon = upCon1 or dnCon1
upClr1 = color.new(color.blue,72)
dnClr1 = color.new(color.blue,72)
sig2up = sigCon[2] and c[2] < c
sig3up = sigCon[3] and c[3] < c
sig2dn = sigCon[2] and c[2] > c
sig3dn = sigCon[3] and c[3] > c
signal = r < ma0 ? "dn" : r > ma0 ? "up" : "none"
signal := sig2up  or sig3up ? "up" : signal
signal := sig2dn  or sig3dn ? "dn" : signal
signal := not sig2up and not sig2dn and not sig3up and not sig3dn and sigCon[1] and ma0 < c ? "up" : signal
signal := not sig2up and not sig2dn and not sig3up and not sig3dn and sigCon[1] and ma0 > c ? "dn" : signal
plot(ma0, color = color.new(sig,useMA), style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3,editable = false)
plotshape(upCon1, style = shape.triangleup, location = location.abovebar, color = upClr1,editable = false)
plotshape(dnCon1, style = shape.triangledown, location = location.belowbar, color = dnClr1,editable = false)
transpStamp = c[1] > c ? 0 : 50
palette = signal == "up" ? color.new(useColorUp,transpStamp) : signal == "dn" ? color.new(useColorDn,transpStamp) : signal == "none" ? color.new(color.yellow,transpStamp) : color.new(color.fuchsia,transpStamp)
plotcandle(o,h,l,c, color = color.new(palette, transpStamp), wickcolor = useColorIk , bordercolor = useColorDr, editable = false)


Code: Select all

indicator(title = "$ZILLIONZ", shorttitle = "aliasscript", overlay = true)
h = high
l = low
c = close
o = c[1]
updnCon = h[1] < c ? "up" : l[1] > c ? "dn" : "no"
updnCon := updnCon == "no" and o < c ? "white" : updnCon == "no" and o > c ? "black" : updnCon
palette = updnCon == "up" ? color.blue : updnCon == "dn" ? color.red : updnCon == "white" ? color.white :  updnCon == "black" ? color.black  : color.fuchsia
plotcandle(o,h,l,c, color = palette, wickcolor =color.rgb(107, 113, 133), bordercolor = color.rgb(66, 68, 77))
ma1 = (ta.sma(hlc3, 16) + ta.sma(hlc3, 19)[3]) / 2
sig = ta.lowest(ma1, 2) < ma1 ? color.new(color.blue,0) : ta.highest(ma1,2) > ma1 ? color.new(color.red,0) : color.new(color.black,0)
plot(ma1, color = color.new(sig,76), style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3)
aliasUpCon = (ta.highest(high, 3) + ta.lowest(low,3) + ta.highest(close,3) + ta.lowest(close,3) ) / 4 > ma1
aliasDnCon = (ta.lowest(low,3) + ta.highest(high,3) + ta.highest(close,3) + ta.lowest(close,3)) / 4 < ma1
upColor = color.new(color.blue, 40)
dnColor = color.new(color.red, 40)
plotchar(aliasUpCon, char= "░", location = location.bottom,color = upColor)
plotchar(aliasDnCon, char= "░", location = location.bottom,color = dnColor)

aliascript: (with "pointy places")

Code: Select all

indicator(title = "$ZILLIONZ", shorttitle = "aliascript", overlay = true)
adj = input(0.0, "moveTriangles", inline = "1")
doPlot = input(false, title = "triangles?", inline = "1")
doPlot2 = input(true, title = "20_MA?", inline = "2")
doPlot3 = input(false, title = "03_SRMA?", inline = "2")
trend = ta.sma(ta.rma(hlc3,3),3)
h = high
l = low
c = close
o = c[1]
updnCon = h[1] < c ? "up" : l[1] > c ? "dn" : "no"
updnCon := updnCon == "no" and o < c ? "white" : updnCon == "no" and o > c ? "black" : updnCon
palette = updnCon == "up" ? color.blue : updnCon == "dn" ? color.red : updnCon == "white" ? color.white :  updnCon == "black" ? color.black  : color.fuchsia
plotcandle(o,h,l,c, color = palette, wickcolor =color.rgb(107, 113, 133), bordercolor = color.rgb(66, 68, 77))
ma1 = (ta.sma(hlc3, 16) + ta.sma(hlc3, 19)[3]) / 2
sig = ta.lowest(ma1, 2) < ma1 ? color.new(color.blue,0) : ta.highest(ma1,2) > ma1 ? color.new(color.red,0) : color.new(color.black,0)
plot(doPlot2 ? ma1 : na, color = color.new(sig,76), style = plot.style_line, linewidth = 3)

fh = h
fl = l
cond1 = close[2] > close[3] and close[2] > close[4] and close[2] > close[5] and close[2] > close[6] and close[2] >= close[1] and close[2] >= close[0] // is highest of 5, is >= 2 to the right.
cond2 = close[2] < close[3] and close[2] < close[4] and close[2] < close[5] and close[2] < close[6] and close[2] <= close[1] and close[2] <= close[0] // is lowest of 5, is <= 2 to the right.
plotchar( doPlot and cond1 ? fh[2] + adj : na, char = "⬜", color = color.new(color.white,85), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)
plotchar( doPlot and cond2 ? fl[2] - adj : na, char = "⬜", color = color.new(color.white,85), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)
plotchar( doPlot and cond1 ? fh[2] + adj : na, char = "△", color = color.new(color.white,10), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)
plotchar( doPlot and cond2 ? fl[2] - adj : na, char = "▽", color = color.new(color.white,10), offset = -2, location = location.absolute, editable = false, display = display.all - display.status_line)

plot(doPlot3 ? trend : na, color = color.new(color.orange,70), style= plot.style_circles, join=true)
Last edited by IgazI on Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:23 am, edited 115 times in total.
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Re: PowerX Strategy "PowerZ"

Postby IgazI » Mon Oct 10, 2022 2:28 pm

Fixed a dumb mistake in the code. . .
was wondering why the MACD was not working #-o
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Re: PowerX Strategy "PowerZ"

Postby IgazI » Mon Oct 10, 2022 4:27 pm

Version 2.0

Cleaned up the code, hopefully I'm done. . .

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Re: PowerX Strategy "PowerZ"

Postby IgazI » Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:17 pm

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Looks pretty planned to me. . .

Postby IgazI » Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:28 pm

"It was an accident" -PayPal

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Re: PowerX Strategy "PowerZ"

Postby IgazI » Tue Oct 11, 2022 12:27 pm

Version 2.1 update

It seems that I wasn't done, there were still errors in the code (dealing with bar-flips) #-o

I'll comb through it one more time. . .hopefully it is completely fixed now.
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Re: PowerX Strategy "PowerZ"

Postby IgazI » Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:03 pm

Wutcha doin? :lol:

PS: Remember:

this indicator is checking the confluence of the. . .
- Stochastics
- typical price vs a hair-splitting average
- and the important areas of S&R

Everything that you could possibly want to know is in the color of the bar.

The only thing that you have to do is form a plan around color.

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Re: PowerX Strategy "PowerZ"

Postby IgazI » Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:05 pm

Charts tell you what has happened and what is happening, it is not possible to predict the future!

Sure, you can make a good guess, but in the end, it was just a guess, and you were probably only right because that is what price was or is doing.

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Re: PowerX Strategy "PowerZ"

Postby IgazI » Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:57 pm

Look at that launch off of the RSI bar-flip :shock:

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Re: PowerX Strategy "PowerZ"

Postby IgazI » Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:33 pm

It's kinda funny that I pull the PowerX strategy apart, examine all the pieces, put it all back together, and in the end all I can say is. . .yeah, its pretty damn good! :lol:

I'm still glad that I did, because I learned just how valuable the RSI is;
not every flip of the RSI mind you, only the ones that are nearest to color.

Because %D is smooth I've chosen the '13,3,3' setting over the '14,3,3', pretty minor change.

The signal that I chose is 49 instead of 50, not really that big of a deal.

'PowerY' only assists you with moving your stops closer to the current price as the strength of the trend starts breaking down:

Code: Select all

signal := signal == "buy" and smma > typicalPrice or signal == "sell" and smma < typicalPrice ? "none" : signal

'PowerZ', the black bar, is similar to the black bar exit of PowerX, as the RSI is the most likely indicator to flip first.

So, in the end I didn't come up with anything new, I just reorganized the information :lol:
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