MA Hull

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MA Hull

Postby Noam » Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:25 pm

Hi all,

I am using this great indicator all the time as a day trader and as a swinger. ... 89&Page=1&

I try to combine between 2 time frames (1 min and 5 min) or (daily and 65 min).
I have a good idea (as I think...).

We should create a RadarScreen indicator that will show the 2 time frames and the direction of the Hull MA (up or down). The RadarScreen will alert us when the time frame we have chosen changed its direction. In order to enter in the best price we have the other time frame that will show us its direction.

For example: time frames 5 min and 1 min
The time frame of 5 min shows up directions

The time frame of the 1 min alert us when it's changed from down to up.

Now we have 2 time frames in the direction and the smaller time frame indicate us to enter a stock in the direction of the greater time frame.

I hope that you will understand the idea.

If anyone has an idea how to create please post your ides.


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Postby TheRumpledOne » Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:34 pm

LOL... you have to be a TradeStation customer to view their forum.

So you'll have to post a chart.

Please do NOT PM me with trading or coding questions, post them in a thread.

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