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Postby roko » Sat May 03, 2008 11:27 pm

Hi guys.

This is my first time here and I would like to say hello to everybody. :smt023


I hope you can help me.

I am not a coder. I picked up an indicator (yours) from the TSD and I did some modifications in order to show the range of the open and the Buy and Sell Zone and the triggers. But due to I am begining with your vision of the trading I would like to add a shadow (rectangles) to all the Buy Zones. Then, I made some modifications to other indicator but I have some errors. Could you please (or somebody) help me to fix it indicator?

I attach two picts and the indicators.

Thanks in advance. :smt023
Range1.jpg (239.99 KiB) Viewed 1474 times
Range2.jpg (250.89 KiB) Viewed 1474 times
(5.57 KiB) Downloaded 222 times
(2.23 KiB) Downloaded 232 times

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