Welcome all professional traders!
Suggest your project counterpart which the world simply does not exist.
This project is compared with the periodic table of chemical elements.
At the outset, I should like to draw your attention to the built-in MT4/MT5 Tester on tick history.
I was the tester questioned about his work because he works for the tick history, which is automatically downloaded when you press a button.
Determine the type of downloaded tick history does not seem to be trying, since all the action takes place automatically within the code of the trading terminal MT.
I suggest open source code that loads from the file history arrays recorded you, getting rid of temporary breaks and begins playing with her constantly virtually connected robot fingering while 20 variables to find the best profit.
Can say also that the broker "Dukas Copy" offers teak with floating spread history that is not valid for any normal tester.
My Tester uses own tick history with 5-n digits after the point and with a fixed spread, which the robot "Exporter.ex4" automatically writes to a file in Append mode in to end of file.
There are many such brokers, but I'll tell you what exactly the broker I have all turned out is "BMFN Trader".
After you create them an real account, you can use the broker's trading signals for trading situation analysis and records tick history in special files (to replenish trading account in "BMFN" is not necessary).
The project runs fine under Windows'XP SP3 (this is because of the use of the arbitration relationship between two brokers).
All that is required is to create two trading account with 5-n digits after the point, one for trading on a real account, and the second to use trading signals for the analysis of the market situation with fixed spread and to write tick history in a special file in mode "add at the end of the file".
Do not forget to specify the correct path with fixed spread broker with 5-th signs: this is done in the "Receiver.mq4" at line 766 and 793, with compilation in the old trading terminal "gct4setup.exe" (attached)
It is also worth noting that it is allowed to trade on the floating spread with 5-th signs (robot "Receiver.ex4"), provided that the other robot ("Exporter.ex4") will work on a fixed spread with 5-n digits after the point (4-x signs I personally haven't tested).
Just look my video made at home, in order to understand how to set up this tester.
When you select a Broker, type define the spread by running the robot "Test_Spread.ex4", or by running the tester (see video-rewind on 00:09:22)
the link to download/view the video-manuals: https://youtu.be/A9p9RxFYHOQ
After recording a video, in the tester (Tracer_GR_E.mq4) and robots (Receiver.mq4, Exporter.mq4), some changes have been made.
changes in the tester:
added mode "MINIMAL LAG mode FOR STATIC GAP =" - the minimum size of the lag as qualifying the gap
added mode "USE TRAILING STOP mode FIRST [0/1] =" - now you can use an old Trailing without addon's and whistles
added mode "USE built-in PROFIT SEARCH PROGRAMM [0/1] =" - now search profit is 30 minutes (previously 6:00 hours)
added mode "(MG) DOUBLE DEFENCE MODE [0/1] =" - modify comments closed MG orders changes
the Bid price is no longer needed, as analyzed by the fixed spread,
changes in robots is not significant and do not deserve their detailed parsing.
in the tester appeared able to bind variables between the variables for their uniform periodicity.
How to do it:
you need to create the program switches (see video: "-555" -rewind on 00:35:48) and enter "INTERLACING" variable number of intersections (maximum 6) and enter Strength in to one-named Variables (if You need change the Strength).
Time-frame does not matter.
To download the project use the link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/ph6qak
or download it from the server (attachments):
And finally criminal line: If I had you not tired, I want to inform the following:
sometimes a broker looking name robots running in Terminal a trader and comes in five downplace modes:
1. hang the modem
2. restart PC
3. shutdown PC
4. blue screen of death
5. other unauthorized actions on your PC
My advice to you: Please rename EX4 files when starting my creations!
How do I know this - I simply asked myself one question:
"why the size of EXE file trading terminal has increased from 4 MB to 12 Mb?"

Enjoy 2 happy !


Galaxy Travel.MP3 (30.95MB):
My wizart.mp3 (29.50MB)
Planet Creator.mp3 (11.71MB)
Subway.mp3 (19.69MB)
Autumn.mp3 (32.82MB)
Moon train.mp3 (24.18MB)
Midi_Rus.zip (208.03KB) - Midi-Piano (Warning: WMZ-bag is not Working!)
Godfather dad zone (son wrote of RA)
Light Night (written by son of Ra)
Conan the barbarian (son wrote of RA)
Traders are my children.
My kids are well fed, even when I'm hungry!