A moving average for MT4 sub window?

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A moving average for MT4 sub window?

Postby cheunt3 » Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:22 am

Hello, I was looking at IgazI Line Break ideas and I wanted to test it and I have found a decent enough MT4 indi but it only opens in a separate Indicator window at the bottom of the main chart. But the problem is IgazI ideas also need MA's to be shown in the same window as the LB charts and looks like there isn't one around for MT4.

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question_line_breaks.png (137.75 KiB) Viewed 4854 times

The Line Break indi in MT4:


I asked in FF and no luck and I didn't want to post in IgazI All Things Trading View thread because it's Trading View. And I don't want to use Trading View!

Anyway, anyone know how to attach a MA to it because I am sure I saw one before unless I was mistaken? Multiple MA's would be great.
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Re: A moving average for MT4 sub window?

Postby baddog4x » Fri Jan 14, 2022 12:51 am

>but it only opens in a separate Indicator window at the bottom of the main chart.

with an mt4 indicator, there is a #property directive at the top of the code that will specify either chart or separate window, this is what tells the indicator where to display.

Code: Select all

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_separate_window

note that your code should only specify one or the other, and not both as in my example code snippet above.


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