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Dark Pool Dive: Beyond BarCap and Credit Suisse Fines

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:10 pm

Immediately after the New York Attorney General announced it was going after Barclays LX, the dark pool’s market share dropped by over 1/3 – from 1.6% to 0.5%.

Since then, there’s been a bit of a recovery, but nowhere near prior to the June 2014 announcement. Credit Suisse, meanwhile, has remained at some 2% market share. The jury’s still out on whether the latest round of fines, totalling $154.3 million, for dark pool violations to be paid out by Barclays ($70 million) and Credit Suisse ($84.3 million) will impact volumes further.
…people will continue to find pools that they find ... (read more)