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Counterparty Tries to Safeguard its EVM Against DAO-style Fiasco

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:05 am

Counterparty, a platform developing an Ethereum Virtual Machine port for the Bitcoin blockchain, has announced that it has taken a couple of actions to minimize the chance that what happened to the DAO might befall them too.

First, the Counterparty Foundation Board, with development team guidance, has passed a “non-rollback” amendment to the bylaws. This policy forbids the Counterparty development team from publishing code to fork and/or roll-back the network as a response to bugs in specific smart contracts.

Second, XCP-based stake voting was added to the protocol, solidifying Counterparty’s plan for a community-driven ‘EVM SafeGuard’ feature. They explain that using this system, ... (read more)