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Euronext’s Interbolsa Fosters Pan-European Settlement With T2S Migration

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:32 am

Euronext’s Portuguese Central Securities Depository Interbolsa, a subsidiary of Euronext Lisbon, has successfully undergone the completion of a migration to TARGET2-Securities (T2S), according to an Interbolsa statement.

Euronext’s Interbolsa is responsible for central securities depository and settlement systems management in Portugal. The project was initially launched by the European Central Bank – Eurosystem, constituting one of the largest infrastructural initiatives to date. Its goal is to provide a single pan-European platform for securities settlement in central bank money, which up until now had largely proceeded on a fragmented basis on the continent.

In addition, the completion of T2S Interbolsa effectively allows for ... (read more)