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Does anyone know of a good automatic trendline indicator?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:40 am
by Lynx
I have been searching for a good trenline indicator but have not found any yet. Has any of you made or seen a good one? Thank you.

TL Auto

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:48 am
by sai20_2000
Hope You will find tis TRO,s indicator helpful

[LegacyColorValue = true];

{ _TrendLinesAUTO3 }

This indicator:
(1) INSERTS DnTL's/UpTL's connecting each new SwingHi/SwingLo with the next most
recent higher/lower SwingHi/SwingLo within the last 10 SwingHi's/SwingLo's;
(2) EXTENDS each new TL to the right and SETS it's color and alert type;
(3) TRUNCATES a DnTL/UpTL on the right when the next new DnTL/UpTL is drawn (if the
History input is set to "Yes"), or BarsPast bars after it has been breached,
whichever comes first.
(4) DELETES a DnTL/UpTL when the next new DnTL/UpTL is drawn, if the History input
is set to "No".

NOTE: This indicator may not work well with low-count tick bars, such as 10-tick bars,
etc., because the time resolution of the bars may not be high enough for each bar to
have a distinct time stamp.

{ Modifying Programmer: Avery T. Horton, Jr. aka TheRumpledOne,
gifts and donations accepted, PO Box 43575, Tucson, AZ 85733 }

{ ? Copyright 2006 Avery T. Horton, Jr.}

iHigh( HIGH ),
iLow( LOW ),
SwHiStrength( 3 ),
SwLoStrength( 3 ),
BarsPast( 10 ),
History( "No" ),
DnTLColor( Red ),
UpTLColor( Cyan ),
AlertType( "NoAlert" ) ;


tDnTLBreak( "" ),
tUpTLBreak( "" ),

xBarsPast( 0 ),

DnTLRef( -1 ),
DnTLEndBar( 0 ),
DnTLBreak( false ),
DnTLColorNum( DnTLColor ),

UpTLRef( -1 ),
UpTLEndBar( 0 ),
UpTLBreak( false ),
UpTLColorNum( UpTLColor ),

Index( 0 ),
BarNum( 0 ),
HistoryTF( false ),
AlertTypeCAPS( UpperStr( AlertType ) ) ;

SwHiDate[10]( 0 ),
SwHiTime[10]( 0 ),
SwHiVal[10]( -1000000 ),
SwLoDate[10]( 0 ),
SwLoTime[10]( 0 ),
SwLoVal[10]( 1000000 ) ;

if CurrentBar = 1 then
HistoryTF = UpperStr( History ) = "YES" or UpperStr( History ) = "Y" ;
{ should also be able to do this via declaration above }

if d > d[1]
then begin

{ clear arrays }

for Value1 = 9 downto 0

SwHiDate[ Value1 + 1 ] = 0 ;
SwHiTime[ Value1 + 1 ] = 0 ;
SwHiVal[ Value1 + 1 ] = 0 ;

SwLoDate[Value1+1] = 0 ;
SwLoTime[Value1+1] = 0 ;
SwLoVal[Value1+1] = 0 ;

end ;

xBarsPast = 0 ;


If xBarsPast < BarsPast
then xBarsPast = xBarsPast + 1 ;

BarNum = BarNumber ;

if SwingHighBar( 1, iHigh, SwHiStrength, SwHiStrength + 1 ) = SwHiStrength then
{ ie, if just confirmed SwHi }

{ push arrays back }
for Value1 = 9 downto 0

SwHiDate[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiDate[Value1] ;
SwHiTime[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiTime[Value1] ;
SwHiVal[ Value1 + 1 ] = SwHiVal[Value1] ;

end ;
{ read in parameters of new SwHi into 0-elements of arrays }
SwHiDate[0] = Date[SwHiStrength] ;
SwHiTime[0] = Time[SwHiStrength] ;
SwHiVal[0] = iHigh[SwHiStrength] ;

{ find and save the index of the next-most-recent higher SwHi if it exists }
for Value2 = 1 to 10
if SwHiVal[Value2] > SwHiVal[0] then
Index = Value2 ;
Value2 = 11 ; { short circuit the looping with 11 instead of 10; the 11
will become 12 in the final pass }
end ;
end ;

if Value2 = 12 then { ie, if next-most-recent higher SwHi exists }
if DnTLRef >= 0 then { ie, if previous DnTL exists }
if HistoryTF and DnTLBreak = false then
{ if history reqd and most recent DnTL not already truncated
elsewhere, truncate it now }
TL_SetEnd( DnTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, false ) ;
else if HistoryTF = false then
{ if history not reqd, delete most recent DnTL }
TL_Delete( DnTLRef ) ;
end ;
{ draw new DnTL, reset break flag, save endbar, set extents/color/alert }
DnTLRef = TL_New( SwHiDate[Index], SwHiTime[Index], SwHiVal[Index],
SwHiDate[0], SwHiTime[0], SwHiVal[0] ) ;
if DnTLBreak = true then
DnTLBreak = false ;
DnTLEndBar = BarNum - SwHiStrength ;
TL_SetExtLeft( DnTLRef, false ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, true ) ;
if DnTLColorNum <> 99 then
TL_SetColor( DnTLRef, DnTLColorNum ) ;
if AlertTypeCAPS = "ONCLOSE" then
TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 2 )
else if AlertTypeCAPS = "INTRABAR" then
TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 1 )
// TL_SetAlert( DnTLRef, 0 ) ;
value10 = value10;
end ;
end ;

if SwingLowBar( 1, iLow, SwLoStrength, SwLoStrength + 1 ) = SwLoStrength then
{ ie, if just confirmed SwLo }

{ push arrays back }
for Value1 = 9 downto 0

SwLoDate[Value1+1] = SwLoDate[Value1] ;
SwLoTime[Value1+1] = SwLoTime[Value1] ;
SwLoVal[Value1+1] = SwLoVal[Value1] ;

end ;

{ read in parameters of new SwLo into 0-elements of arrays }
SwLoDate[0] = Date[SwLoStrength] ;
SwLoTime[0] = Time[SwLoStrength] ;
SwLoVal[0] = iLow[SwLoStrength] ;

{ find and save the index of the next-most-recent lower SwLo if it exists }
for Value2 = 1 to 10
if SwLoVal[Value2] < SwLoVal[0] then
Index = Value2 ;
Value2 = 11 ;{ short circuit the looping with 11 instead of 10; the 11
will become 12 in the final pass }
end ;
end ;

if Value2 = 12 then { ie, if next-most-recent lower SwLo exists }
if UpTLRef >= 0 then { ie, if previous UpTL exists }
if HistoryTF and UpTLBreak = false then
{ if history reqd and most recent UpTL not already truncated
elsewhere, truncate it now }
TL_SetEnd( UpTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, false ) ;
else if HistoryTF = false then
{ if history not reqd, delete most recent UpTL }
TL_Delete( UpTLRef ) ;
end ;
{ draw new UpTL, reset break flag, save endbar, set extents/color/alert }
UpTLRef = TL_New( SwLoDate[Index], SwLoTime[Index], SwLoVal[Index],
SwLoDate[0], SwLoTime[0], SwLoVal[0] ) ;
if UpTLBreak = true then
UpTLBreak = false ;
UpTLEndBar = BarNum - SwLoStrength ;
TL_SetExtLeft( UpTLRef, false ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, true ) ;
if UpTLColorNum <> 99 then
TL_SetColor( UpTLRef, UpTLColorNum ) ;
if AlertTypeCAPS = "ONCLOSE" then
TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 2 )
else if AlertTypeCAPS = "INTRABAR" then
TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 1 )
// TL_SetAlert( UpTLRef, 0 ) ;
value10 = value10;
end ;
end ;

{ if most recent DnTL/UpTL exists AND has not yet been truncated here AND was drawn
at least BarsPast ago AND was breached BarsPast bars ago THEN truncate it here and
set break flag }

tDnTLBreak = "" ;
tUpTLBreak = "" ;

if DnTLRef >= 0
and DnTLBreak = false
and BarNum > DnTLEndBar + SwHiStrength + xBarsPast
and ( Close > TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time ) )[xBarsPast]
TL_SetEnd( DnTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( DnTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( DnTLRef, false ) ;
DnTLBreak = true ;

tDnTLBreak = "Break Dn" ;

end ;

if UpTLRef >= 0
and UpTLBreak = false
and BarNum > UpTLEndBar + SwLoStrength + xBarsPast
and ( Close < TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time ) )[xBarsPast]
TL_SetEnd( UpTLRef, Date, Time, TL_GetValue( UpTLRef, Date, Time ) ) ;
TL_SetExtRight( UpTLRef, false ) ;
UpTLBreak = true ;

tUpTLBreak = "Break Up" ;

end ;

Plot1( tUpTLBreak , "Up" ) ;

Plot2( tDnTLBreak , "Down" ) ;

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:31 pm
by Lynx
Thank you very much.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:10 pm
by Lynx
If you dont mind I need to ask you for some additional help as to what the inputs are so that I can tweak it for my particular needs. Thank you.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:29 pm
by sai20_2000
I use the strength of 5 for both 5min and 30 min symbol on same chart.
the higher time frame enables analyze more strong sup and res.