Standard Deviation Channel indicator or Linear Regression indicator

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Standard Deviation Channel indicator or Linear Regression indicator

Postby Huana » Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:11 pm

Hello Traders!

Maybe someone can help me out? I am searching "Standard Deviation Channel indicator" or "Linear Regression indicator" but have not found "right" one.

The indicator what I search is In TOS and it is called "StandardDevChannel"

I have searched those indicators and found some but the calculation it's not like in TOS. In TOS you can use it one day basis(charting:Today only), it basically draws a channel even it has one bar for calculations and when the time goes on the new calculation goes in. But indicators what I have found calculates based on historical bases. They can't calculate from market open and one day bases. I would like to see one big channel based on 9:30am to 4:00pm market range.

Hopefully you understand my explanation?

How complicated is to modify TOS indicator for Tradestation? :roll:

Please help if you can.

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