Never Lose Again

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Re: Never Lose Again

Postby prochargedmopar » Wed Feb 02, 2022 11:00 pm

BambinoFlex wrote:
aliassmith wrote:
BambinoFlex wrote:I also want to add that Dragon seemed to have a similar idea. He says that he uses the 3zz and trades off the #3. As a previous post explains, the #3 tends to create an "extreme"

He also told me or posted that the 3zz was so he could walk around the house and glance at the screen so he can see if a possible trade is coming. :D

Hey Alias, I know it’s already been explained a hundred times, but can you explain “eights” to me? It seems I understand you more than MO lol

It's toward the end of Ideas that I trade by thread.

It is a was to manage money, enter and exit the markets with ease, build accounts quickly, AND not have to use your OWN money to do it.

"If you are going to risk a lot of money, make sure it belonged to someone else". MightyOne
#1BODY in direction of profit #2INCREASE lot size Obsessively
My Losses cause me Great Laughter!
Trading Bible here> therumpledone/the-ideas-that-i-trade-by-t3256/page1670

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Re: Never Lose Again

Postby BambinoFlex » Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:32 am

Busy week. Shared this with another friend who brought up the idea of a bullish UCAD. I agree. Based on my idea behind pivots. I do see a good possibility of a long, potentially reaching Monthly R1 vs Monthly S1.

Here's how I see the market:
Price breaks previous highs/lows. Price Does NOT break previous highs/Lows. Price Breaks BOTH highs and lows. Which high? Which low? Previous month, previous hour, previous minute, etc.... Its the natural movement and creation of price. Entry is up to the trader, and that's probably what separates the men from the boys. Thank you all in Kreslik, I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for everyone here.
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Re: Never Lose Again

Postby BambinoFlex » Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:34 am

prochargedmopar wrote:
BambinoFlex wrote:
aliassmith wrote:
He also told me or posted that the 3zz was so he could walk around the house and glance at the screen so he can see if a possible trade is coming. :D

Hey Alias, I know it’s already been explained a hundred times, but can you explain “eights” to me? It seems I understand you more than MO lol

It's toward the end of Ideas that I trade by thread.

It is a was to manage money, enter and exit the markets with ease, build accounts quickly, AND not have to use your OWN money to do it.

"If you are going to risk a lot of money, make sure it belonged to someone else". MightyOne

Thanks for sharing Pro, now it makes sense. "Click" Make sure it belonged to someone else...
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Re: Never Lose Again

Postby BambinoFlex » Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:39 am

BambinoFlex wrote:
aliassmith wrote:
BambinoFlex wrote:
I read through his stuff again and I think you worded it correctly. His first step when trading off an extreme (seems that weekly was a preference?) he would have a larger stop loss. Of course he didn't trade with a stop loss but its to keep the ideas linear with those that do.

Once price moved in his favor, he would "reduce his box size" allowing him to increase his position. This is where he would show a box size of 8 with an entry of 5 lots and then show a box size half of 8 (4) and a new max lot of 10.

He also started using daily or daily+

Would it be because he realized that "Price is the same regardless of timeframe?" meaning that if you trade off a weekly extreme, you're also technically trading off a daily, 4hr, 1hr...1min extreme?

In this trade I was able to enter, and normally I would expect the previous days low to be passed, but as the day progressed price did not move lower. I was able to reduce my initial stop by half, allowing me to add to my position while keeping my risk the same. In the words of MO, space was reduced by half, allowing my position to double. Targeting Weekly R1. MO would probably target the previous week high, but because this week's low is less than previous week low, a weekly outside bar would form if the previous high is also broken. Outside bars are less likely, so my target stays at S1.

My next play is to continue adding if price allows. Currently, if the expansion is completed, I will have a 3 to 1 trade. Making it very difficult to lose over a long period of time.

I had the right idea but got shaken out. Ended up with a -$1 loss. Price was a few points away from target, when it reversed sharply, only to later hit target and currently sitting well above weekly R1. Not hurting, part of the process.
Last edited by BambinoFlex on Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Never Lose Again

Postby BambinoFlex » Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:41 am

Thanks buffalo for sharing. I will look into the eights, as I do see a benefit to it.
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Postby BambinoFlex » Fri Feb 11, 2022 6:52 am

es/pip wrote:i target what ever makes sense-----

at the start i am more conservative targeting to zero out closer targets

this trade was based of the hr chart so i am looking for h1-h4 targets

if i trade a setup on the 5 i am looking to target on 5 or 15

------------------- on the 15 i am looking to target on 15-30

etc etc

at this point i was up a poop load of pips :D

so i was going for a larger target---- but had the PA turned on my sooner i would have looked to get out at whatever price i could

nice trade

Bump for those looking into ES Pip entry and target. I sorta understand. Seems that ES pip was aware of larger tf targets but entering on smaller timeframes. This would produce the best RR and wouldn’t necessarily require a large winrate though based on what I’ve read, it seems ES had a large RR potential and a high winrate.
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Re: Never Lose Again

Postby onontsira » Sun Feb 13, 2022 3:27 pm

BambinoFlex wrote:
aliassmith wrote:
BambinoFlex wrote:

Hey Alias, I know it’s already been explained a hundred times, but can you explain “eights” to me? It seems I understand you more than MO lol

Sorry man. I don't recall anything about eights . I know it exists but I would need a refresher course. BTW don't ask about the diamond of perception either. I going to assume MO was on acid when he went over that.

Ah okay, it’s cool…what the…Diamond of perception lol I did a quick search and…yeah….that’s something else

Hi there, I don't post anymore but still have a look at Kreslik from time to time... As I see you are making great efforts to understand MO teachings, I allow myself to give my 2 cents regarding Diamond of Perception: after all these years I can tell that this is THE way to go. If you study it in depth, you will then realize that until now you only look at half of the information provided by price action... Don't give up, it's worth it


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Re: Never Lose Again

Postby cheunt3 » Mon Feb 14, 2022 3:00 am

Love to learn more about DOP =D>
MO "Don't try to predict what will happen next, simply aim to consistently apply your ideas."

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Re: Never Lose Again

Postby onontsira » Mon Feb 14, 2022 9:16 am

cheunt3 wrote:Love to learn more about DOP =D>

Everything started back in "MO's MBT Micro", just have a look. The main idea (which is in fact how markets really interact) is that momentum (or lack of momentum) forms from a conjunction of price level AND speed (speed is a function of time, thus the angled lines where in theory 90° is full speed and 0° is no speed). If you only look at price level ("where" aka horizontal price level), you miss half the information of what the market is telling you, because you don't know "when" (aka vertical timing).
So that if you observe the conjunction of angled lines IN ADDITION TO horizontal lines, you can then find where AND when something changes, you now have BOTH informations.

I would say that something always changes at "extensions of time" matching with "extensions of price level". I can't explain it better because my english is crap

Anyway, be sure that time analysis becomes mandatory once you understand that things are not only "price level" related

Have a nice day, and good luck to all of you guys :wink:

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Re: Never Lose Again

Postby BambinoFlex » Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:07 am

onontsira wrote:
cheunt3 wrote:Love to learn more about DOP =D>

Everything started back in "MO's MBT Micro", just have a look. The main idea (which is in fact how markets really interact) is that momentum (or lack of momentum) forms from a conjunction of price level AND speed (speed is a function of time, thus the angled lines where in theory 90° is full speed and 0° is no speed). If you only look at price level ("where" aka horizontal price level), you miss half the information of what the market is telling you, because you don't know "when" (aka vertical timing).
So that if you observe the conjunction of angled lines IN ADDITION TO horizontal lines, you can then find where AND when something changes, you now have BOTH informations.

I would say that something always changes at "extensions of time" matching with "extensions of price level". I can't explain it better because my english is crap

Anyway, be sure that time analysis becomes mandatory once you understand that things are not only "price level" related

Have a nice day, and good luck to all of you guys :wink:

The question is how much (and what type) information can the DOP truly provide. The idea is simple, Price is on Y-Axis...Time is on the X-Axis...

Time is not only a variable, it's also a constant. Since all pairs have range (not as constant)....a measure of price over will see that certain angles do indeed repeat themselves. MO said the DOP helps with consistency since zooming in and zooming out (the scale) of your chart affects the angles or the perception of angles.

I've seen MO's charts and they are impressive. Unfortunately, I have yet to understand if angles are predictive or if they simply help establish turning points. It could very well be both.

As of now, a close above or below the midpoint, buying or selling "pointy things", and targeting previous highs/lows aka a zero the simplest yet very powerful trading plan with modest results. Moving it up to scaling in and scaling out, while managing risk, will result in EXTREMELY positive the point where MO says that you can't lose.

Many asked Mo what he meant by "something" in many points he refers to the midpoint. Even drawing the middle of ranges (a type of combining candles-think Renko or other price dependent charts). Basing bias off the close of the previous candle in relation to its midpoint is extremely simple but it will work. You can take this idea across multiple tf and the results will be similar.

As for angles...I first need a consistent way of being marking them to be able to test them.

- - - - -

I think I understand what you're trying to say about the time extension and price extension relationship. It's similar to how TRO explained the 3 Level ZZ. If the sema to sema range is small, then look for a breakout...and vice versa.

IF TRO codes into the price analyzer or the Frequency Distribution a way to measure the distance between semas and be able to determine if candle 0 closed below/above what ever you want...Mid..Previous low/high...etc... while using candle 1 high/low as the candle where the sema last formed. It will show the relationship between time and price.

It's not really a focus of mine but it will definitely help in taking certain reversals (point thing trading).
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