lukx zline trading log + cfabian p.35 + adaseb p.48

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Re: Re:

Postby prochargedmopar » Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:36 pm

BambinoFlex wrote:
aliassmith wrote:
BambinoFlex wrote:
Oh wow, that must have been great to have MO teach you directly, if you understood the concepts. That's unfortunate alias, but did you also come to kreslik as a total newbie and then work your way up or you already had a good foundation and simply shared what you knew?

When I came to kreslik I followed a little bit of the same path as MO. We both traded with Ken Roberts. We both followed James16 on I found kreslik following Dragon's story from At that point I wasn't as successful as MO but I could trade.

I learned a lot from him and I am still always learning.

When you were trading with Ken Roberts and following James16, I was in Elementary school. Looked up those names and interesting people. James16 seemed like a nice guy, not trying to prove anything. More people like him would be nice.

Everything Alias said is true. Vane learned on Googletalk.
I remember following James16 for a while back in the day.

My question is:
Did MO learn this stuff from ICT?
They all followed Ken Roberts and ICT had a very large following in, oh man, what was that called when they had those chat groups?
America Online in think.
They were using dial up modems because My Aunt was trading Datek online back then, Early to mid 90's from her MotorHome after my Uncle died.
Think she lost like $80k over a year period "Day Trading".

She gave me a book called "Electronic Day Trader" and I read like 3 chapters, then went back to chasing girls.
I might still have it... LOL
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Re: Re:

Postby BambinoFlex » Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:51 pm

prochargedmopar wrote:
BambinoFlex wrote:
aliassmith wrote:
When I came to kreslik I followed a little bit of the same path as MO. We both traded with Ken Roberts. We both followed James16 on I found kreslik following Dragon's story from At that point I wasn't as successful as MO but I could trade.

I learned a lot from him and I am still always learning.

When you were trading with Ken Roberts and following James16, I was in Elementary school. Looked up those names and interesting people. James16 seemed like a nice guy, not trying to prove anything. More people like him would be nice.

Everything Alias said is true. Vane learned on Googletalk.
I remember following James16 for a while back in the day.

My question is:
Did MO learn this stuff from ICT?
They all followed Ken Roberts and ICT had a very large following in, oh man, what was that called when they had those chat groups?
America Online in think.
They were using dial up modems because My Aunt was trading Datek online back then, Early to mid 90's from her MotorHome after my Uncle died.
Think she lost like $80k over a year period "Day Trading".

She gave me a book called "Electronic Day Trader" and I read like 3 chapters, then went back to chasing girls.
I might still have it... LOL

They do seem to be from the same era. Similar ideas.
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Re: Re:

Postby prochargedmopar » Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:54 pm

prochargedmopar wrote:
BambinoFlex wrote:
aliassmith wrote:
When I came to kreslik I followed a little bit of the same path as MO. We both traded with Ken Roberts. We both followed James16 on I found kreslik following Dragon's story from At that point I wasn't as successful as MO but I could trade.

I learned a lot from him and I am still always learning.

When you were trading with Ken Roberts and following James16, I was in Elementary school. Looked up those names and interesting people. James16 seemed like a nice guy, not trying to prove anything. More people like him would be nice.

Everything Alias said is true. Vane learned on Googletalk.
I remember following James16 for a while back in the day.

My question is:
Did MO learn this stuff from ICT?
They all followed Ken Roberts and ICT had a very large following in, oh man, what was that called when they had those chat groups?
America Online in think.
They were using dial up modems because My Aunt was trading Datek online back then, Early to mid 90's from her MotorHome after my Uncle died.
Think she lost like $80k over a year period "Day Trading".

She gave me a book called "Electronic Day Trader" and I read like 3 chapters, then went back to chasing girls.
I might still have it... LOL

I've gotten the concept of ZL from day one.
Hey, I even named the "Discount/Premium" 50% area the MIghtyZone.
Everything has always looked clear, I mean even 6 mo into my trading "career".

Why not a success from the start?
Mental problems!!!!!

Once in a trade, Eeeeeeeeeeeeek.

Perfect entry, Boom 2 pips n out.
Repeat, to ad nausium.

i could trade 10-20-30 trades in a row and then........................

Add, Add, Add, Add, Blow-up.

Start over.
NOT letting profits run to target or at least a little bit.
Always freaking out and not being able to accept losses.
No MM system would ever work because I wouldn't work it.

Total nut job!! LMAO
So here we are almost 15yrs later trading with pennies to project capital. LOL

At least the last 5+ years I've learned one thing. :mrgreen:
"Go small or go home".. .... LOL
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Re: Re:

Postby aliassmith » Sat Jan 29, 2022 8:15 pm

prochargedmopar wrote:
prochargedmopar wrote:
BambinoFlex wrote:
When you were trading with Ken Roberts and following James16, I was in Elementary school. Looked up those names and interesting people. James16 seemed like a nice guy, not trying to prove anything. More people like him would be nice.

Everything Alias said is true. Vane learned on Googletalk.
I remember following James16 for a while back in the day.

My question is:
Did MO learn this stuff from ICT?
They all followed Ken Roberts and ICT had a very large following in, oh man, what was that called when they had those chat groups?
America Online in think.
They were using dial up modems because My Aunt was trading Datek online back then, Early to mid 90's from her MotorHome after my Uncle died.
Think she lost like $80k over a year period "Day Trading".

She gave me a book called "Electronic Day Trader" and I read like 3 chapters, then went back to chasing girls.
I might still have it... LOL

I've gotten the concept of ZL from day one.
Hey, I even named the "Discount/Premium" 50% area the MIghtyZone.
Everything has always looked clear, I mean even 6 mo into my trading "career".

Why not a success from the start?
Mental problems!!!!!

Once in a trade, Eeeeeeeeeeeeek.

Perfect entry, Boom 2 pips n out.
Repeat, to ad nausium.

i could trade 10-20-30 trades in a row and then........................

Add, Add, Add, Add, Blow-up.

Start over.
NOT letting profits run to target or at least a little bit.
Always freaking out and not being able to accept losses.
No MM system would ever work because I wouldn't work it.

Total nut job!! LMAO
So here we are almost 15yrs later trading with pennies to project capital. LOL

At least the last 5+ years I've learned one thing. :mrgreen:
"Go small or go home".. .... LOL

Well I didn't actually understand zlines until zapazing (sp?) was posting his stuff. Then one day it clicked.

Other than being a trading encyclopedia you could have been successful if you would have got out of your own way.

I still feel you are in a denial stage to some extent. Not only you but many people that can't handle some aspect of the process.

The EGO, because in society we are trained not to lose. In trading learning to lose well is necessary.

Attachment to $$$$, makes it hard to scale up when its time.

Negative people in your life telling you it won't work.

Having expectations larger than reality. Thinking you are an account flipper when you are a 50% / year trader.

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Re: lukx zline trading log + cfabian p.35 + adaseb p.48

Postby BambinoFlex » Sat Jan 29, 2022 8:32 pm

Everyone works at their own pace. I think you hit on something important though. Even though you understood the concept, which is easily observed and testable, you chose to make the process longer. Maybe lack of discipline? Lack of need? Sometimes we need something, the “why” as some people say, to really push us closer to accomplishing our goals. It shouldn’t be so, but it’s a natural thing.
Alias calling you a trading encyclopedia hahaha y’all crack me up.
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Re: Re:

Postby prochargedmopar » Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:34 am

aliassmith wrote:
prochargedmopar wrote:
prochargedmopar wrote:

Well I didn't actually understand zlines until zapazing (sp?) was posting his stuff. Then one day it clicked.

His charts were very clear but still lacked a multitude of things that ICT has added to the arsenal
greatly increasing the probabilities of overall success.

Other than being a trading encyclopedia you could have been successful if you would have got out of your own way.

Yes, but for most there are many very complex things that hold them back from being the best they can be.
Even, not wanting to succeed.

I still feel you are in a denial stage to some extent. Not only you but many people that can't handle some aspect of the process.

No, I've accepted exactly where I am in the process. The results are facts that can not be denied. The success card is written in stone and shows the bottom rung of a ladder.
One day, there will be a headstone, errrr, maybe not. Wife will probably cremate me. LOL

The EGO, because in society we are trained not to lose. In trading learning to lose well is necessary.

I no longer consider it losing. The market is always right. It's up to me to heed it's warnings and act accordingly.

Attachment to $$$$, makes it hard to scale up when its time.

It is soooo much more than attachment. I've read a few books on the subject. It's so bad that it is actually imbedded into our genes.
LIke Fear. That's just nasty.

Negative people in your life telling you it won't work.

I'm not talking to you any more....... Bahahaha :mrgreen: :shock:

Having expectations larger than reality. Thinking you are an account flipper when you are a 50% / year trader.

Account flipping is easy, the numbers don't lie. When a person gets their mind/body/spirit in unison.
Or, "out of your own way" as you stated above.
The actual act of doing so is the simple part.


"If you are going to risk a LOT of money, make sure it belonged to someone else" MightyOne.
The answer to why this statement is true for most is very telling.
Their problem is not fixed, it's a band-aid but one that can work for many.
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Re: Re:

Postby aliassmith » Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:42 am

prochargedmopar wrote:
aliassmith wrote:
prochargedmopar wrote:
Well I didn't actually understand zlines until zapazing (sp?) was posting his stuff. Then one day it clicked.

His charts were very clear but still lacked a multitude of things that ICT has added to the arsenal
greatly increasing the probabilities of overall success.

Other than being a trading encyclopedia you could have been successful if you would have got out of your own way.

Yes, but for most there are many very complex things that hold them back from being the best they can be.
Even, not wanting to succeed.

I still feel you are in a denial stage to some extent. Not only you but many people that can't handle some aspect of the process.

No, I've accepted exactly where I am in the process. The results are facts that can not be denied. The success card is written in stone and shows the bottom rung of a ladder.
One day, there will be a headstone, errrr, maybe not. Wife will probably cremate me. LOL

The EGO, because in society we are trained not to lose. In trading learning to lose well is necessary.

I no longer consider it losing. The market is always right. It's up to me to heed it's warnings and act accordingly.

Attachment to $$$$, makes it hard to scale up when its time.

It is soooo much more than attachment. I've read a few books on the subject. It's so bad that it is actually imbedded into our genes.
LIke Fear. That's just nasty.

Negative people in your life telling you it won't work.

I'm not talking to you any more....... Bahahaha :mrgreen: :shock:

Having expectations larger than reality. Thinking you are an account flipper when you are a 50% / year trader.

Account flipping is easy, the numbers don't lie. When a person gets their mind/body/spirit in unison.
Or, "out of your own way" as you stated above.
The actual act of doing so is the simple part.


"If you are going to risk a LOT of money, make sure it belonged to someone else" MightyOne.
The answer to why this statement is true for most is very telling.
Their problem is not fixed, it's a band-aid but one that can work for many.

Its similar to Rich Dad Poor Dad. "In Texaa you don't want people to know you went bankrupt on a duplex" he went on to say you get so big that going bankrupt is more of a problem for the bank.

MO is a money management idea about protecting the stack you bring to the table. (a poker thing).
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Re: lukx zline trading log + cfabian p.35 + adaseb p.48

Postby aliassmith » Sun Jan 30, 2022 9:48 am

BambinoFlex wrote:Everyone works at their own pace. I think you hit on something important though. Even though you understood the concept, which is easily observed and testable, you chose to make the process longer. Maybe lack of discipline? Lack of need? Sometimes we need something, the “why” as some people say, to really push us closer to accomplishing our goals. It shouldn’t be so, but it’s a natural thing.
Alias calling you a trading encyclopedia hahaha y’all crack me up.

Yes we have been on here for a few years. He was like blah blah blah this and blah blah blah that. He has so much knowledge that for sure he was draining the bank. Finding out later he had a gun pointed at his foot and continued to pull the trigger.
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Re: Re:

Postby TheRumpledOne » Sun Jan 30, 2022 4:36 pm

prochargedmopar wrote:
I've gotten the concept of ZL from day one.
Hey, I even named the "Discount/Premium" 50% area the MIghtyZone.
Everything has always looked clear, I mean even 6 mo into my trading "career".

Please explain ZL in your own words with a chart or 2.


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Re: Re:

Postby prochargedmopar » Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:35 pm

TheRumpledOne wrote:
prochargedmopar wrote:
I've gotten the concept of ZL from day one.
Hey, I even named the "Discount/Premium" 50% area the MIghtyZone.
Everything has always looked clear, I mean even 6 mo into my trading "career".

Please explain ZL in your own words with a chart or 2.


First, you must watch ICTs Free videos and listen closely.
Every down bar is NOT a buy ZL and every up bar is NOT a sell ZL.
ZL's with gaps are much more powerful when combined with the fact price just made a run on liquidity. (Broke out)
What's that one dudes quote on new highs/lows?
All it is, is momentum.
How fast is price moving up/down the totem pole?
Is it overlapping
Is is making big jumps?
Is it making new highs/lows?
Basic stuff.

Closes below up bars and closes above down bars are VERY powerful all by themselves (ZLs)
You know what MO says, closes above/below something.
They are way more powerful when combine with a little common sense. (structure breaks/gaps/liquidity runs/and a few other things)
But just remember, "Common sense is a fruit that grows in some peoples gardens but not others". Uncle Tony's Garage :mrgreen:

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