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Postby Braathen » Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:14 pm

Thought id share this :D

I will show this as an example trade with a 1k account.
35 space = 0.7% (7$) risk with min size 2 minis or whatever there called

First trade as follows:
enter 1.1745 100% (4) long 35 space (2/4*35=17,5)
exit 1.1824 with 96 space (4/2*96=192) (192*0.2=38$)

Second trade:
enter 1.1822 100% (8) short 48 space (2/8*192=48)
exit 1.1779 with 91 space (8/2*91=364) (364*0.2=72$)
Mistake in pic.. its just the 2day+

Third trade:
enter 1.1785 50% (12) short 60 space (2/12*364=60)
exit 1.1611 CZ2 with 234 space (12/2*234=1404) (1404*0.2=280$)

280$ minus the original 7$ risk + some slippage = 26.5% made on 0.7% risk :twisted:

Hope everyone had fun today! And thanks to mister K for upping the forum!
And ofc , MO, hope u have a FANTASTIC!!! 2015. i wish you all the best in whatever it is youre up to!

Sorry for any typos i made or mis-calculations.. i traded it with a little more risk myself and a diffrent account size!
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Re: Woot!

Postby aliassmith » Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:21 pm

Braathen wrote:Thought id share this :D

I will show this as an example trade with a 1k account.
35 space = 0.7% (7$) risk with min size 2 minis or whatever there called

First trade as follows:
enter 1.1745 100% (4) long 35 space (2/4*35=17,5)
exit 1.1824 with 96 space (4/2*96=192) (192*0.2=38$)

Second trade:
enter 1.1822 100% (8) short 48 space (2/8*192=48)
exit 1.1779 with 91 space (8/2*91=364) (364*0.2=72$)
Mistake in pic.. its just the 2day+

Third trade:
enter 1.1785 50% (12) short 60 space (2/12*364=60)
exit 1.1611 CZ2 with 234 space (12/2*234=1404) (1404*0.2=280$)

280$ minus the original 7$ risk + some slippage = 26.5% made on 0.7% risk :twisted:

Hope everyone had fun today! And thanks to mister K for upping the forum!
And ofc , MO, hope u have a FANTASTIC!!! 2015. i wish you all the best in whatever it is youre up to!

Sorry for any typos i made or mis-calculations.. i traded it with a little more risk myself and a diffrent account size!

Man Braathen, you are like MO Jr. You even have his notation language. :D
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Postby Braathen » Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:32 pm

5 years... long time :D
3 clipz for about a month.
Heard someone say he was a mightyhead in the chat room he had.
Found MO.
A while in i briefly looked at sam seiden. Thought this is crap lol.
Back to MO.
But when i look back at my old posts i laugh my head off.. *censored - swear word* i was sooo stupid :D

I remembner writing in lukx's thread once that my goal was to trade like MO.
Im not half the trader he is.. but i think ive gotten alot closer.
Like ice cube once wrote

They say "Gangster, gangster! Tell me how you do it
How you get through it and them other niggas blew it"
I keep my eye on the prize then pursue it
Chase it like a cheetah chuck it out and subdue it.

5 long years with people (friends, family) telling me im a moron :D
hahahah :D
They still do lol.. your gambling.. you will lose it all...
ahh well
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Re: Hangaround Lounge

Postby Captain Pugwash » Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:51 pm

And whats totally inspiring is

You done this from nothing - you started like all of us

You Just had the idea you wanted to trade

You worked

You worked

you worked

"MOJO 1)Self-confidence, Self-assuredness. As in basis for belief in ones self in a situation. Esp/In context of contest or display of skill such as going into battle. 2)Ability to bounce back from a debilitating trauma and negative attitude YEH BABY

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Re: Aliassmith

Postby aliassmith » Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:02 pm

Braathen wrote:5 years... long time :D
3 clipz for about a month.
Heard someone say he was a mightyhead in the chat room he had.
Found MO.
A while in i briefly looked at sam seiden. Thought this is crap lol.
Back to MO.
But when i look back at my old posts i laugh my head off.. *censored - swear word* i was sooo stupid :D

I remembner writing in lukx's thread once that my goal was to trade like MO.
Im not half the trader he is.. but i think ive gotten alot closer.
Like ice cube once wrote

They say "Gangster, gangster! Tell me how you do it
How you get through it and them other niggas blew it"
I keep my eye on the prize then pursue it
Chase it like a cheetah chuck it out and subdue it.

5 long years with people (friends, family) telling me im a moron :D
hahahah :D
They still do lol.. your gambling.. you will lose it all...
ahh well

Ya I'm a dumb ass making this money! :mrgreen:

People that don't trade or run their own business won't understand.
Then others are only haters.

Seriously we don't know exactly how good MO is, but I can't argue
with his methods. I've tested several and I prefer ZL.
You are doing damn well Braathen.

I'm glad to see you got out of that wanna be traders mentality of systems
chasing and learned this.
Trade Your Way as Long as It Makes Money!

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Re: Hangaround Lounge

Postby Braathen » Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:11 pm

Captain Pugwash wrote:And whats totally inspiring is

You done this from nothing - you started like all of us

You Just had the idea you wanted to trade

You worked

You worked

you worked


Thanks man!
To inspire others is a great achievment in life and i hope i have done so :D
I like your sig btw.. bouncing back is what its all about.
I know its corny but i love that stalone/rocky speach

Or the any given sunday speach

WOOT! Uploaded youtube vids!
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Re: Aliassmith

Postby Braathen » Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:27 pm

aliassmith wrote:
Ya I'm a dumb ass making this money! :mrgreen:

People that don't trade or run their own business won't understand.
Then others are only haters.

Seriously we don't know exactly how good MO is, but I can't argue
with his methods. I've tested several and I prefer ZL.
You are doing damn well Braathen.

I'm glad to see you got out of that wanna be traders mentality of systems
chasing and learned this.

HA! your so right m8.. we do NOT know if he is for real and that is some scary s**t right there..
In all honesty its pretty crazy to believe and keep going for such a long time.
Or is it? i dunno.....

All i know is my granddad told me when i was young to stick to one thing and finish it!
I failed and some would say wasted a large portion of my life by not taking his advice.
I still to this day have a large tax dept due to failed companies because i wasnt keeping my eye on the prize.
Im starting to sound a like a frigging tony robbins or eric thomas lol... :oops:

You guys are awsome! Love the community here!
And its awsome to see many of you guys still here just like me trying to make this s**t happen!
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Re: Hangaround Lounge

Postby Jalarupa » Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:52 pm

Hey Braathen

Thanks for the awesome inspiration and continuing to refine yourself and taking us along with you!

Take us along with you to the promised land :shock:


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Re: Hangaround Lounge

Postby Captain Pugwash » Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:07 pm

I hope you don't mind Braathen - but its such a nice trade, I thought it might be a good example to mark up to show a visual of how space works to those struggling with the concept.

the cones are mine btw - based on Braathens tho - cause I am not telepathic :)

look at Braathens markup for the math - " The calculation is always (LotSizeNow/LotSizeAfter) * CurrentSpace" - MO

F*ck - what a beautiful trade :) 8)

2015-01-15_1856.png (77.67 KiB) Viewed 5626 times

see below to ZOOM IN (just click the image)

EDIT I should say that as Braathen had an original space of 37 pips at 2 lots - he halved his space and was able to double his lots

on the third trade - he could have stayed in the second trade and simply decide to increase his lot size on the third entry (he would have achieved the same thing)
"MOJO 1)Self-confidence, Self-assuredness. As in basis for belief in ones self in a situation. Esp/In context of contest or display of skill such as going into battle. 2)Ability to bounce back from a debilitating trauma and negative attitude YEH BABY

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Re: Hangaround Lounge

Postby Braathen » Thu Jan 15, 2015 7:48 pm

WOW guys! Im sitting here with my ciggy and a drink and im tearing up ... Thank you for all the kind words.
Im not good with valedation.. acomplishments and life lessons.. brings me to tears everytime.. you should have seen me
watching "The secret life of Walter Mitty" lol :D ( if u aint tried it.. tons of good stuff on here http://popcorn-time.se/)

Jala thanks for your awsome post + good old bob 8) , it really boosted me and makes me want to work even harder now!

Captain... r u irish btw? (did i ask u this before?) seem to remember an irish flag in your profile on the old site.. maybe it was italien?
And please m8.. feel free to post anything here. Especially charts like that! :D
Cones look sweet to me, my chart is just zoomed out more then yours other then that its the same :D
I try not to use the cones to predict any future events.. just as opertunity!
Maybe someday :D

And yes your right, it would have turned out the same ;) except i wouldnt have gotten any sleep lol :D
Im looking at the USD/CHF .. that thing was scary today. Options... options are the next goal.
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